
Attempt at a Knitblog, take eleventy-hojillion:

I'm going to try this again.

Basically, while I love knitting, I do not love knit-blogging. I love to read them, but not so much with the writing. Which is odd, because I also love to write.

I think it has to do with the fact that while knitting is a passion and writing is a passion, writing about knitting is NOT a passion - not for me.

Also, I suck at actually posting pictures of FOs, UFOs and other acronyms. This, however, is a new year. And since I'm not in school this semester, I could use something to make me feel like I'm being more disciplined. So here we have a knit blog.


  1. Knit, obviously.
  2. Write about knitting at least 3x/week
  3. Post some blasted pictures.
  4. Share happy knitty things - icons, tool reviews, yarn reviews, book reviews, links, etc.
  5. Link this sucker to Ravelry for more guilt-induction.
  6. Do no bastardize blog with talk of crochet.
  7. Only talk about politics and social issues insofar as they relate to knitting. People wanting that stuff can visit my other blogs.
  8. Design some stuff, write up patterns I've already designed, do other design-y things

That's probably enough for now. Anymore and I'm likely to feel overwhelmed and deny this blog ever existed.

KnittingKninja, by the way, is a dumbass name, but it fits the stealth of the site. I'm not going to publicly admit to owning it! That way should those resolutions go unmet, the only guilt I have will be from inside my own blasted head and I can just shut the heck up. I'm also not going to hide it, though. It'll be linked and/or syndicated here and there and I'm sure people will trace it back to me and there will be guilt.

Oh well.

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